| August 1, 2023

Insights on User Payment Behavior with Cashier Events

Rudy Attieh

In business, just like in life, getting things right often comes from answering one single question: What Went Wrong? Once we know where the problem is, we can fix it. Once we see the area that can be improved, we can tackle it. 

This is especially important in today’s digital world of online experiences, ui/ux, and online payments. In this era where user-centricity has become a dominant mantra, understanding how users interact with digital products and services is not just a competitive edge but a necessity. Whether you're conducting UX research, debugging code, or delving into deeper investigations, having access to comprehensive and actionable data insights can make all the difference between success and mediocrity.

With this in mind, Praxis Tech have developed Cashier Events, a powerful feature that helps businesses track and analyze every action taking place on their payment page.

Designed to provide valuable insights into customer behavior, Cashier Events is a solution that enables merchants to address common issues such as deposit abandonment and incomplete transactions. This feature is basically an SDK that provides merchants with information about each step users did on the platform. The data can be used to debug, retrace, analyze payment methods and understand reasons behind abandoned transactions.

By using Cashier Events, now you can:

  • Track all actions: Gain a comprehensive understanding of every action occurring on the Cashier and payment page. No more missing out on crucial details!
  • Analyze customer behavior: Dive deep into the data to identify patterns, preferences, and bottlenecks. Discover what drives your customers and optimize conversion and approval ratios accordingly.
  • Address phantom users: Pinpoint and resolve issues related to phantom users, ensuring a smoother user experience and minimizing frustration for both you and your customers.
  • Make informed improvements: Armed with accurate insights, you can make data-driven decisions to optimize your payment page, streamline the deposit process, and enhance overall user satisfaction.

Cashier Events feature is packed in an SDK, allowing for a full functionality, usability and flexibility to use the data in every way possible. It can be fed into an analytics platform, such as Google Analytics, or any other tool. Praxis equips merchants with full access to information and steps happening at your Cashier, plus the flexibility to use it to your advantage. From case-by-case investigations to plugging data into the business dashboard, the possibilities are infinite. The SDK can be accessed here.

User Interaction

As a merchant looking to track a customer's session, it's important to note that all events will contain the customer and order ID, which can be used by either us or the merchant to link events to a specific session.

When the Cashier is opened, the first event emitted will be the Cashier Loaded event, providing details such as the available payment methods for the customer.

When the customer clicks on a payment method, another event is triggered to note that action, and we can see multiple click events on fields, as well as onValidationSuccess and onValidationErrors events.

If the customer fills out all fields but fails validation, an APM invalid form event will be emitted. 

The customer may then click on the back method and select a new payment option, such as CC, which triggers three separate events, the client clicks on the back button, the CC payment method selected and the HPF Loaded events.

When all CC fields pass validation, an HPF from a valid event is emitted. 

Clicking the deposit button triggers a Cashier Submit event with details like currency and amount. 

The next event, Transaction attempted, indicates that the request has been processed, and an internal reference (TID) has been created, specifying which PSP will be targeted to process the transaction. If the customer is redirected to the 3DS challenge, a redirect event is emitted.

Finally, upon returning to the thank you page, we receive two events: the TYP loaded event and the transaction event, which indicate the current state and details of the transaction.

How it Works

The JavaScript SDK facilitates communication between the host page and the terminal through notifications, reflecting the current state and customer choices during the payment process. This communication includes visual instructions, such as changes in document size for the iframe terminal layout, as well as functional instructions, such as the payment method chosen and payment attempt status. The SDK uses the postMessage() feature for cross-domain message sharing, and therefore requires a properly configured domain validation to ensure secure communication.


Cashier events feature has been developed to provide merchants with actionable insights into their payment pages. This is just one example of how we keep improving our products and building new features to help merchants power their payments. Contact us to learn more.

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